In 1978, when National Grandparents Day was proclaimed, today's grandparents were quite young and very few of those thirty and forty somethings were planning for Long-Term care insurance. They were just too young!
Today we are all living longer, 60 is really 40; 80 is 60; 63 year-olds are having babies and their retirement and LTC insurance needs are much different.
When shopping for LTC the three benefit choices are, skilled care, intermediate care and custodial care. look for policies that pay for all three categories including care by non- professionals, such as family members or friends in your home.
Do not shop price alone because the cheap no-name company you don't recognize today won't be around to service your needs when you are older and need the benefits most.
As a Long-Term Care insurance specialist, I suggest...
>>>Pick a company that is tough on underwriting so you can be placed in a risk pool with people as healthy as you.
>>>Don't pay extra for caregiver training, ambulance rides, home modification or respite care.
>>>Look for strong benefits for home care, assisted living and residential care facilities.
>>>If affordability is an issue, buy a policy with a lower lifetime maximum. It is better to have all your claims paid at 100% when you really need the care, than make a little payment forever that never improves your health or your lifestyle.
We cannot predict the future, but we could eventually need some kind of long-term care. The cost of receiving these services can jeopardize not only our lifestyles and our families lifestyles but also the financial security we’ve spent our lifetime establishing.
Simplify your knowledge of Long-Term care with LongTermCareInsurancePros.
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